A bike trip turns into a good will ambassadorship

Good news just doesn't get enough press.

In the weeks before the trip began, some very nervous parents began to fret, sweat and pretty much flip out with worry.
Anxiety soon gave way to relief, as our kids began to keep their promise to stay in touch by phone and Internet.

Relief turned to respect and awe as the adventure unraveled. The beauty they are seeing, and the kindness bestowed upon them are things that should be shared. This is Americana at it's best.

Feel free to share your thoughts, and pictures, past and present...because good news just doesn't get enough press.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

In Pensicola - Alabama bound - then to New Orleans

Hey everyone! On Christmas Eve, the family got a chance to talk with Wally & Sarah for a good while on the telephone!

Here's the update:

The Kids are now in Pensicola Fl, headed towards Alabama. Then the route calls for passage through Baton Rouge, LA, but being the music lovers they are,  they are opting to head North through LA in order to stop in New Orleans! I'm really excited for them! I think it's a great call! I mean, how can you go through LA and not see New Orleans?

We are hoping that Sarah will be able to email me short videos from her cell phone soon! If that works out, of course I'll post them here!

The kids shared this one with me. Recently they were in a Salvation Army to buy clothes for Wally. His pants were pretty ripped up, I guess from all the miles. (I hope that's what it is! You never know with these two, they could have taken up rock climbing as a side hobby!)

When word passed through the store that there were two road orphans in the midst, they were fed and fawned over again! I hear this time with a two foot long loaf of French bread and enough fixings to make a meal of it!

Below is a picture of them as they were just about to depart Menla

That's it for now: Soon I'll be posting some Christmas pics so the kids can see what went on here.
Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year!

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